First day at work - explained
Episode 3/3 - Serie: How to apply for a new job.
explainity explains: First day at work
Jonas did very well in his interview last week and has already signed an apprenticeship contract.
His trainer Mr Walter told him the date of his first day of work and gave him a tip: companies have different structures compared to school, so Jonas should prepare well for his first day of work.
But what does Mr Walter mean exactly?
First of all, Jonas plans his journey to the company and college to make sure he arrives on time. He remembers that he will need money for the journey and for lunch. Then he assembles his training documents and enquires whether he will need certain work clothing.
Jonas opens a bank account to receive his wages, as he doesn’t have one yet. He also sends off for a social security card and confirmation from his health insurer – as he needs to present both to his new employer.
And then the time comes: the first day at work.
Mr Walter welcomes him and then introduces him to the people in charge in case he has questions about the following issues: working hours, assignments, occupational health and safety, youth and apprentice representatives, leave, sickness, holidays and wages.
He also gives Jonas his company training plan so that he knows where he will be the next few days and instructs him in labour protection, data protection and nondisclosure. It’s a lot of information. So Jonas takes notes and asks if he hasn’t understood anything.
Mr Walter also tells Jonas that he must not remove anything from the company without permission.
At lunch his new colleagues make him feel welcome and chat to him.
Fully motivated, he then gets down to work. He quickly finishes his first assignments, setting up his workplace and reading through the company rules. So he asks Mr Walter for fresh assignments. Mr Walter is very satisfied with Jonas and gives him a few more useful tips.
Mr Walter is his trainer, so Jonas can contact him any time if there are problems. Then they’ll get together with the relevant people to resolve any issues.
Jonas also needs to write up his report journal daily. During the 1–4 month probationary period the company will decide whether Jonas is right for the job.
Jonas works hard to become an excellent skilled worker and looks forward to the next few years, when he will successfully complete his apprenticeship.